Where to Get Guitar Sounds for Deep House
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How to get Guitar Sound like Muse ?
I am not a Guitar player, I only love the SOUND of the guitar from Muse 2nd Law! it is so HUGE ! also like The Resistance, Black Holes and Revelations too.
I work in Cubase 7, Logic Pro 9 and Ableton Live 9. I already own Guitar Rig Pro 5 within my Komplete 9 Ultimate Bundle. But since I am no guitar player, I have tried very hard but just can't seem to get a sound that is even just a bit close to that from Muse's guitar sound.
Can someone tell me how I can do so? Do I need to get a pack for Amplitube 3 that would sound better? I also heard of Redwirez and Revavlver MkIII...
what is best to generate guitar notes? simulate the playing of the guitar? Shreddage? Realstrat?
I am very lost here, I just want some real awesome distorted guitar sound (that can sound like Muse!?) in my Dubstep/Tekno Tracks. But I know nothing of guitars, and don't know where to start!? what to do to get the top sound?
Please help me out here.
Thanks for your inputs !
GS Community Manager
Matt Bellamy is a big fan of Z-Vex effects. That would be a start.
Also, he's a virtuoso as far as his ability goes... technically very, very accomplished. That would be an even better start.
Here for the gear
Thanks, I will check that out. But no plug-ins suggestions? any software ? effects?
Gear Guru
you could always then use Guitar rig for more advance sound processing.
Revalver is supposed to be pretty good but I'm not sure how deep the fx control system is. in Native it's quite deep. the sound and circuit modeling area in Revalver is supposed to be good. but that's amp based stuff usually.
In many ways his sound is synthetic, compressed, band limited and with a notch EQ. -Simply from using his gear, maybe. A multi-band compressor could be useful to refine your sound source.
If you don't like any of the fuzz pedal effects in Guitar Rig then try some of the distortion pedals maybe something replicating a ProCo Rat pedal and use a notch EQ. Then feed the output into a multi-band compressor and move the bands boundaries around and switch bands on and off and adjust the gain.
Lives for gear
As Whitecat noted - Matt Bellamy uses ZVEX pedals.
His distortion sounds are mainly from:
ZVEX Fuzz Factory for extreme distortion and noise. (a fuzz pedal with some cool oscillation/feedback features) - use a fuzz pedal or distortion and filter plugin going into your amp model.
He also uses just the fuzz pedal direct, so any distortion plugin without filters will do the trick.
Diezel VH4 amp - a high gain beast. He uses this for heavy distortion with lots of mids. > your Amp modeler will probably have something called "High Gain German" or "Californian", or similar
Marshall Plexi - for punchy overdrive > Your amp modeler will probably call it "Brit Stack" or something like that.
He also uses a Vox AC30 as his main sound. That naturally has a very midrange emphasised, punchy, cleaner overdriven sound (like U2)
As far as what guitar libraries - I don't know, as I've never used one. Maybe just get a friend to play the guitar for you.
GS Community Manager
Search YouTube for 'map of the problematique guitar rig' and you'll find at least a half dozen tutorials on how to do that sound. Perhaps you can extrapolate some of what you learn to the rest of the sound.
Here for the gear
Thanks a lot guys ! I will go ahead have a look at the amp modeller settings suggested, and I will for sure go and search for Guitar Rig Map.
I have never tried multiband compression on a guitar sound, but will do that it must help a lot as I think about it. as i don't play guitar, it's quite hard to know how to approach the effects, dynamics, etc...
But I might try and get my seilf a nice distortion pedal from Z-VEX if they aren't too expensive...
GS Community Manager
Originally Posted by sound.shaper ➡️
But I might try and get my seilf a nice distortion pedal from Z-VEX if they aren't too expensive...
The Chinese made versions aren't too bad (they're called the 'Vexter Series'). The US-made custom painted ones are very expensive (but you do get a lifetime warranty with the latter).
Matt Bellamy has a Fuzz Factory circuit (so same as the pedal) built right into his Manson guitars. That would be the first pedal I'd go for.
Gear Guru
Originally Posted by sound.shaper ➡️
I am not a Guitar player, I only love the SOUND of the guitar from Muse 2nd Law! it is so HUGE ! also like The Resistance, Black Holes and Revelations too.
I work in Cubase 7, Logic Pro 9 and Ableton Live 9. I already own Guitar Rig Pro 5 within my Komplete 9 Ultimate Bundle. But since I am no guitar player, I have tried very hard but just can't seem to get a sound that is even just a bit close to that from Muse's guitar sound.
Can someone tell me how I can do so? Do I need to get a pack for Amplitube 3 that would sound better? I also heard of Redwirez and Revavlver MkIII...
what is best to generate guitar notes? simulate the playing of the guitar? Shreddage? Realstrat?
I am very lost here, I just want some real awesome distorted guitar sound (that can sound like Muse!?) in my Dubstep/Tekno Tracks. But I know nothing of guitars, and don't know where to start!? what to do to get the top sound?
Please help me out here.
Thanks for your inputs !
You might try a real guitar player (who can cover that style) for a start. Computer toys don't really get it. A lot of a player's tone comes from his fingers - 2 guys will sound totally different through the same gear. Using canned libraries totally removes any of that from the equation (it makes everything sound like the canned library.)
Here for the gear
So the best distortion pedal from ZVEX would be the Fuzz Factory Pedal? i saw a newer FAT Fuzz Factory... so if i understand correctly they have them "made in china" which are cheaper, but certainly would also sound good, and the USA ones are built like a tank with lifetime warranty? if they don't sound different i might go for the cheaper version, well unless I decide to pick up some guitar lesson at 39 years old... i might go for a "Made in USA" !!!
Here for the gear
Originally Posted by John Eppstein ➡️
You might try a real guitar player (who can cover that style) for a start. Computer toys don't really get it. A lot of a player's tone comes from his fingers - 2 guys will sound totally different through the same gear. Using canned libraries totally removes any of that from the equation (it makes everything sound like the canned library.)
what do you mean by a REAL guitar player? what is one? I have tried GUITARIST from Sugar-bytes, but it's not at all convincing, I heard some stuff from Shreddage which was much better, plus Guitarist doesn't have any good distortion sound, unlike Shreddage, which has got tons... i sure would love to have better ones but I don't know which ones?
Gear Guru
Originally Posted by sound.shaper ➡️
what do you mean by a REAL guitar player? what is one? I have tried GUITARIST from Sugar-bytes, but it's not at all convincing, I heard some stuff from Shreddage which was much better, plus Guitarist doesn't have any good distortion sound, unlike Shreddage, which has got tons... i sure would love to have better ones but I don't know which ones?
I mean a REAL GUITAR PLAYER who is skilled at playing in the required style, not a frackin' computer program. In other words, a human being playing a slab of wood with strings on it.
The player's touch is EXTREMELY important to achieving the tone -= it's not just the gear, it's how the player interacts with the gear. Guitars, guitar effects, and guitar amps are incredibly sensitive to the touch of the player. You simply can't get that with computer libraries. You get the guitar equivalent of Stephen Hawking's voice synthesizer - all the inflections and nuances aren't there.
It's hard enough getting a decent sound playing a real guitar into amp and effects sims - trying to use an instrument library will sound like you're doing just that. It might be good enough for a demo to teach a real player the parts but it'll never sound right.
There's another HUGE problem involved with a non-guitar player trying to fake it with libraries, specifically the physical layout of the instrument suggests/compels specific licks and combinations of notes and chord voicings that are either not natural or downright impossible for someone playing a keyboard and will not be obvious to a non-guitar player. The result is parts that don't sound like anything that any human guitarist would ever play. For example a simple open position "E" chord on a guitar is spread over 3 octaves in an inversion that is physically impossible to play on a keyboard. And it's physically impossible to play a standard first inversion "E" triad on a guitar.
Guitar players are a dime a dozen - it shouldn't be that hard to find one.
Here for the gear
well for sure a guitar player is not that hard to find... but a good one, and a good one that would play play the style that matches my style... is much harder, I am in Hong Kong, trust me, it's quite hard, that's why I am looking for a way to do it myself... on a computer. Cos at 39 years old, don't know if i can pick up a gutar and learn, if if i can, don't know when I will be able to play decently...
Lives for gear
Here's his (I believe) current live rig, note the AxeFX2 and two Kemper Profiling Amplifier lunchboxes.
Lives for gear
Originally Posted by sound.shaper ➡️
So the best distortion pedal from ZVEX would be the Fuzz Factory Pedal? i saw a newer FAT Fuzz Factory... so if i understand correctly they have them "made in china" which are cheaper, but certainly would also sound good, and the USA ones are built like a tank with lifetime warranty? if they don't sound different i might go for the cheaper version, well unless I decide to pick up some guitar lesson at 39 years old... i might go for a "Made in USA" !!!
If it was me and I was a non-guitarist, I wouldn't bother with an actual fuzz pedal. especially as you're doing dupbstep/techno
Just use the virtual fuzz pedals and amps on your amp modelling rig - also try placing distortion plugins before the amp plugins and compare the results with the fuzz pedal.
If you're using something like shreddage, maybe try layering the guitar with some buzzy "guitar-like" distorted synths - you're gonna come up with something more unique and "you" this way.
Here for the gear
Originally Posted by Blast9 ➡️
If it was me and I was a non-guitarist, I wouldn't bother with an actual fuzz pedal. especially as you're doing dupbstep/techno
Just use the virtual fuzz pedals and amps on your amp modelling rig - also try placing distortion plugins before the amp plugins and compare the results with the fuzz pedal.
If you're using something like shreddage, maybe try layering the guitar with some buzzy "guitar-like" distorted synths - you're gonna come up with something more unique and "you" this way.
I will give that I try, placing some distortion before the amp...
I just bought Trash 2 from Izotope, cos it's 149$ at the moment (-100$ discount), hope that I might get some better distortion with it, it take IR too,is there somehow I can get an IR of the Fuzz Factory maybe? With IR like on Redwirez should get some pretty awesome emulations.
Can someone point me in how to make my own IR wave/aiff files?
Here for the gear
Originally Posted by mdme_sadie ➡️
Here's his (I believe) current live rig, note the AxeFX2 and two Kemper Profiling Amplifier lunchboxes.
wow !!!
so that's his rig for his current live tour !? Impressive! although I don't know half of the stuff... I am gonna look into what's what, but i can't seem to read the names on the rack... but I will star looking into AxeFX2, and the Kemper Profiling Amps...
although I don't play guitar, but i don't think that a good fuzz pedal isn't useful in a studio? maybe the stuff in the racks can be good for processing any audio fies.
Lives for gear
Originally Posted by sound.shaper ➡️
I will give that I try, placing some distortion before the amp...
I just bought Trash 2 from Izotope, cos it's 149$ at the moment (-100$ discount), hope that I might get some better distortion with it, it take IR too,is there somehow I can get an IR of the Fuzz Factory maybe? With IR like on Redwirez should get some pretty awesome emulations.
Can someone point me in how to make my own IR wave/aiff files?
With fuzz/distortion you really shouldn't have to spend time making your own IRs as these amp model software products have already done that. (but anyway someone might be able to help here.
But this might help (6:10 onwards explains about capturing an IR, although Voxengo Deconvolver is PC only):
PS, As you know, Redwirez IR are for guitar speaker cabs -definitely an important part of guitar tone, unless you're going for that fizzy full-range direct sound.
Gear Guru
if you use a plug-in for guitar generation it's best to use a string modeling plug-in. that's what Applied Acoustic Systems make. if you use Logic it already has an Acoustic Modeler in there. which some of Logics Instrument full channel patches are based around. if you want ITB, I already told you how to do it. OTB is a different matter.
Here for the gear
Originally Posted by Blast9 ➡️
With fuzz/distortion you really shouldn't have to spend time making your own IRs as these amp model software products have already done that. (but anyway someone might be able to help here.
But this might help (6:10 onwards explains about capturing an IR, although Voxengo Deconvolver is PC only):
PS, As you know, Redwirez IR are for guitar speaker cabs -definitely an important part of guitar tone, unless you're going for that fizzy full-range direct sound.
i see so IR is more useful for speakers (and reverbs) I can see that with Audioease's Speakerphone2 which is really awesome, but their cabinet's sound a bit thin to what I remember when I demoed it quite some time ago... So, does speaker cabs play an important role in getting that guitar distortion sound that I am after? or is it really the pedal+amp mainly?
and thanks for the video, I am very interested in IRs (not only for distortion of course) so there are softwares which do this... i'll try and find a mac os x one after this video!
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Originally Posted by Muser ➡️
if you use a plug-in for guitar generation it's best to use a string modeling plug-in. that's what Applied Acoustic Systems make. if you use Logic it already has an Acoustic Modeler in there. which some of Logics Instrument full channel patches are based around. if you want ITB, I already told you how to do it. OTB is a different matter.
i guess AAS's Strum Electric GS is available for demo, I'll try that out, I am ready to try everything to get this sound... I am going to try a few more ways, different orders, "hooking" up the fx and amps too. hopefully I won't have to learn and play guitar a part from the time to be invested in learning, there is also the $$$$ for all the equipment too! and my cpacity in learning will be a VERY important factor in there...
Here for the gear
Gear Guru
Originally Posted by sound.shaper ➡️
i guess AAS's Strum Electric GS is available for demo, I'll try that out, I am ready to try everything to get this sound... I am going to try a few more ways, different orders, "hooking" up the fx and amps too. hopefully I won't have to learn and play guitar a part from the time to be invested in learning, there is also the $$$$ for all the equipment too! and my cpacity in learning will be a VERY important factor in there...
in my experience the string modelers turn out best. an impulse of the pedal might be fine, but you could just run a match EQ routine on a match EQ plug-in. Logics Match EQ was the best in my tests. iZotope ozone was second best. not much between those 2. it's not easy to pull off a convincing guitar performance ITB. you have to work at it but if that's what you need to do then, string modeling, Amp Sims and Match EQ are the best tools imo. then you have to get to work. best learn by having as much fun as possible. setting yourself too many definite goals is ok, but not always the best plan.
not tried Torpedo yet but I have a demo. looks promising. with Muse you really often need pitch shifters, which Guitar Rig is actually good at. in fact one of the better things in it imo.
Lives for gear
Originally Posted by sound.shaper ➡️
i see so IR is more useful for speakers (and reverbs) I can see that with Audioease's Speakerphone2 which is really awesome, but their cabinet's sound a bit thin to what I remember when I demoed it quite some time ago... So, does speaker cabs play an important role in getting that guitar distortion sound that I am after? or is it really the pedal+amp mainly?
and thanks for the video, I am very interested in IRs (not only for distortion of course) so there are softwares which do this... i'll try and find a mac os x one after this video!
Logic's Space Designer is an IR plugin:
Making Impulse Responses with Logic's IR Utility
Yes, the speaker and the cab is very important in the final tone. Maybe start with the Redwirez BIGBox 4 x 12 cabs.When you get the chance, compare how the highs mids and lows sound on a Celestion Vintage 30 (aka V30) vs a Celestion Greenback vs a Celestion G12H30, all popular models... Pretty sure all those are in Redwirez. Also they did impulses of various mics on various spots on the speaker... AND these speakers are in different cabs... infinite possibilities, really.
As for thin-sounding tones on Speakerphone - don't be afraid to fatten things up by boosting low mids with EQ (pre OR post-cab) - whatever it takes for you to get there! Just tweak and save your preset.
The same goes for the Redwirez IRs - you won't always be happy with the stock tones.
PS Torpedo is great - but you already have what you need... seriously!
Lives for gear
Originally Posted by Muser ➡️
in my experience the string modelers turn out best. an impulse of the pedal might be fine, but you could just run a match EQ routine on a match EQ plug-in. Logics Match EQ was the best in my tests. iZotope ozone was second best. not much between those 2. it's not easy to pull off a convincing guitar performance ITB. you have to work at it but if that's what you need to do then, string modeling, Amp Sims and Match EQ are the best tools imo. then you have to get to work. best learn by having as much fun as possible. setting yourself too many definite goals is ok, but not always the best plan.
not tried Torpedo yet but I have a demo. looks promising. with Muse you really often need pitch shifters, which Guitar Rig is actually good at. in fact one of the better things in it imo.
thanks for the info Muser
Gear Head
Originally Posted by sound.shaper ➡️
well for sure a guitar player is not that hard to find... but a good one, and a good one that would play play the style that matches my style... is much harder, I am in Hong Kong, trust me, it's quite hard, that's why I am looking for a way to do it myself... on a computer. Cos at 39 years old, don't know if i can pick up a gutar and learn, if if i can, don't know when I will be able to play decently...
what with the internet and all that, finding a REAL GUITARIST in another country shouldn't be a problem. But be prepared to pay if you want a session done.
Gear Guru
Originally Posted by Blast9 ➡️
thanks for the info Muser
yw Blast.
Lives for gear
Bellamy is an awesome player....try some good stereo guitar amp sims and double/triple the performances with various amps.
Where to Get Guitar Sounds for Deep House
Source: https://gearspace.com/board/so-many-guitars-so-little-time/845049-how-get-guitar-sound-like-muse.html
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