Ou Picker Not Working Again After Cu7

Issue: Commutation 2016 CU5 , OU Picker is not showing Users within EAC ( Exchange Admin Middle)

Cause: Web.config file needs to be modified "GetListDefaultResultSize" needs to be added with > number of existing OU ( Organizational Units) within the surround.

Notes: Web.config file is located on default substitution install directory under ECp folder "Program Files\Microsoft\Commutation Server\V15\ClientAccess\ecp"

It needs to exist added with notepad ( opened with administrator privileges)

Each CU install will wipe these settings, therefore spider web.config file needs to be saved each fourth dimension prior installing CU on Exchange 2016 Servers.

I have added few simple scripts to aid you to develop baselines to implement in your environment

Web.config file is not server dependent, single file can be modified/saved and moved around Exchange 2016 servers, if desired.

  • Log onto Commutation 2016 Server, via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
  • Provide your credentials at the logon.
  • Click windows tile and select PS (PowerShell)
  • Select to open PowerShell with ambassador privileges
  • Blazon post-obit press enter (note the installed directory)


  • Type notepad on the PowerShell (Open notepad with administrator privileges)
  • Click file and select Open up on the administrative notepad
  • Drill down to ECP directory under Installed directory ;
  • Plan Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\ecp
  • Locate web.config ( make sure on the bottom change to all files to locate the web.config)
  • Open web.config file

Printing CTRL + F to bring upward find menu and blazon "</appSettings>"

  • Locate the section
  • Add together this line ( it does non be in Commutation 2016 )

# below line must be edited in a higher place "</appSettings>" Department within the Web.Config File

<add together key="GetListDefaultResultSize" value="1500" />

  • Comments Added ( same line with comments)

<!-- Each CU Install will Wipe This File. -->

<!-- Save a backup copy of web.config file -->

<!-- After CU install y'all can copy and paste backup spider web.config file -->

<add primal="GetListDefaultResultSize" value="1500" />

  • Open up another PS window and re-create and paste i line to go the number of OU's in your environment and note the settings.

# You tin can easily get your current OU count with simple one liner

# Getting OU count


  • Close web config
  • From PowerShell Type

Restart-WebAppPool MSExchangeECPAppPool

  • Perform same job on Each Substitution 2016 Server listed below


  • Open web browser and type post-obit URL press enter, supervene upon the server proper name with proper server name that is applicable for your environs


  • Provide your credentials
  • Click Recipients
  • Click New, User Mailbox
  • Select new user
  • Click Browse
  • Brand certain Under "Select an Organizational Unit" Section populates the OU Structure




  • You will be able to see the OU'south
  • PS scripts to

# Connect Remote Exchange 2016 Server, Specify Server to connect.

# Change the server FQDN with server name you have.

Office Connect_E16 {


[Parameter( Mandatory=$imitation)]

[string]$srv ="EXC01.smtp25.org"


$session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange `

-ConnectionUri http://$srv/PowerShell/ `

-Hallmark Kerberos

Import-PSSession $session -AllowClobber



write-host $null

Write-host "_Connecting Commutation 2016 Servers"


# Re-beginning MSExcangeECPAppPool Service on each Exchange Server

# (1)_.Exchange 2016 Array

foreach ($Server in $Servers)


$Servers = (Become-MailboxServer | ? {$_.AdminDisplayVersion -Friction match "^Version 15" }).name

Write-host "_Processing $Server"

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server{

Write-host "()_Re-Starting MSExchangeECPAppPool Service "

Restart-WebAppPool MSExchangeECPAppPool

Write-host "_()Done" -f yellow

Write-host $Null


# Check Server Health




# Script : Health_Check_Required_Services.ps1

# Created : ISE 3.0

# Author(s) : casey.dedeal

# Appointment : 08/09/2017 09:23:23

# Org : ETC Solutions

# File Name :

# Comments :

# Assumptions :





Acknowledgements :

Limitations :

Known issues :


.\Health_Check_Required_Services.ps1 .ps1



Runs the script to perform health bank check on Exchange 2016 Servers



write-host $null

#(a)_.Re-starting time MSExchangeECPAppPool Service On all Commutation Servers

$Servers = (Get-MailboxServer | ? {$_.AdminDisplayVersion -Lucifer "^Version 15" }).name


$Foreloop = foreach ($Server in $Servers)


Write-host "_Checking $Server Health" -f yellow

Test-ServiceHealth | select Role,RequiredServicesRunning,ServicesRunning,ServicesNotRunning


#Out-Filigree Results

$Foreloop | Out-GridView

Make backup for Web.Config File




# Script : Copy_Web_Config_V1.ps1

# Created : ISE 3.0

# Author(s) : casey.dedeal

# Date : 08/09/2017 09:31:30

# Org : ETC Solutions

# File Proper name :

# Comments :

# Assumptions :




Description :

Acknowledgements :

Limitations :

Known issues :





Runs the script to make re-create of Web Config file

Specify Exchange 2016 Server Proper name

After each RU install you need to put the file back



$user = $env:UserName

$dom = $env:UserDomain

$comp = $env:ComputerName

$appointment = get-date -Format yyyy-mm-dd

#(b)_.Source & Dest

$Source = "\\EXC01\d$\Program Files\Microsoft\Commutation Server\V15\ClientAccess\ecp\web.config"

$Dest = "C:\users\$user\Desktop\"

$file = "Web_Config_backup"

$Folder = $dest + $file + "_" + $appointment

$collec = $Source

write-host $cipher

write-host "--------$dom----------"

write-host "$user"

write-host "$comp"

Write-host "Copying Exchange 2016 Brusk-cuts" -f yellow

write-host "-------------------------"

#(c)_. Running foreach

foreach ($item in $collec)


If (Exam-Path $source){

Write-host -fore yellow "Located $file "

New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Folder

Copy-Detail -Recurse $item -destination $Folder -Strength


write-host -fore cherry "Source File cannot be located"

write-host -fore yellow " Script Volition Stop in 5 seconds"

Start-Slumber -Seconds five



Oz Casey, Dedeal
Systems Engineer
http://smtp25.blogspot.com/ (Blog)
http://telnet25.wordpress.com/ (Weblog)
https://twitter.com/Message_Talk (Twitter)


Source: https://smtp25.blogspot.com/2017/

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